Our “BACK TO SCHOOL SHIRT” is ready to order this year!! This year’s design, was done by a former KC student and they turned out great! Thank you Grace Dietlein!!
We are keeping the price for the shirts the same as the last couple years! $15.00 for YXS-YL, AS-A3X. If you would like to place an order, please comment below or text Riannah Anderson @ 616-799-1282 with size and how many you would like. Payment can be made when you pick them up or to our PayPal account, ptco@kentcityschools.org. If paying through PayPal, please add $0.75 per shirt for convenience fee.
We would like to place an order for them by August 4th, so we can have them back in time to deliver them at the Elementary Open House on Tuesday, August 15th. We will also put in one more order on September 15th and have them back in time for Homecoming. We hope you like them as much as we do!! It’s always a great day to be an Eagle, so let’s show our Eagle Pride!!